Gift Idea: Mason Jar Sewing Kit

I came across this Anthropologie Sewing Kit via Pinterest and fell in love!  What a great gift idea for a crafty friend.  You can make it your own by including threads with their favorite colors and maybe even some pretty fabric swatches for inspiration!

Or use this as inspiration to create any type of mason jar kit: drawing, painting, potting, paper crafting. Seriously, just use your imagination!

These would make wonderful party favors at any event, especially since mason jars are so inexpensive.

What type of kit would you make with mason jars?


Filed under Gift Giving

7 responses to “Gift Idea: Mason Jar Sewing Kit

  1. Pingback: DIY Mason Jar Sewing Kit – The Tiffany Lane Version | tiffanylanehandmade

  2. my birthday is a little over a month away ::hinthint:: 😀

  3. SilviSherr

    Since I don’t know any other sewing addicts like me I made one of those for myself but….. I am planning on doing cake/biscuit mixes in Jars as Christmas gifts this Year

  4. Oh my, my head is spinning with ideas! This could be a cute wedding favor contender…

What do you think?